טופס בקשת מידע
הרשאות BeFit ושירותי בריאות בטורקיה, ואנו נתקשר אליך.
Why Fit&fit? There are many answers to this question. According to us health is the most important need and when it comes to health, there is not any subject more important than it. As a brand which provides services at such an important issue, we are glad to bring you and treatment you need together. Certainly this process contains stages that not to be triffled with. There are so many steps to think and plan while providing you health service power of Türkiye and opportunities of İzmir.
Surely we progress through our vision and mission we have when we accomplish these steps. Providing patient satisfaction, caring team work and infrastructure are always our principles.
Countless Opportunities of Transportation and Transfer
It is quite important to plan and manage the services of Transportation and Transfer perfectly. Because when the case of point is health, even possibility of waiting or wasting time is unthinkable. Besides, it is neccesary to manage transfer details for comfortable transportation of patients. Transfer services and conditions of round-trip to airport that are arranged specifically for patients current condition, are being embettered. In Türkiye especially in İzmir you can use different transportation options when we bring brilliant health service and patients together. As Fit&Fit we find the best way for you and plan your all flights.
Opportunity of Accomadation at the Most Confortable Hotes in the City
Fit&Fit has many options of hotels and facilities for you to accomodate at during your health travel. Our in-network providers proved their qualities and make difference with their confort and provided opportunities. We aim to make you feel special by providing all opportunities that you may need and selection of rooms during your health travel.
Suggestions for Selection of Doctors and Hospitals
Services of Fit&Fit start from pre-Flight period. Chosing doctor and hospital are also part of pre-flight planning. In this process we provide you to reach expert and experienced hospitals which are giving you the treatment you need through the information you share with us. We provide you to enter in the processes of diagnose and treatment by the doctors who have countless successes, and planning your treatment in the most correct way with this concept.
Guiding Services and Process Management
Fit&Fit makes you feel special by complete accompany with it’s guidance services at all of your health travel. After pre-flight suggestions and flight planning, accomodation and several guidance services are presented for you. However, that is not all, we also provide guidance services of things you can do at the beautiful city of İzmir. Our guidances services are all avaliable in every detail for you to discover touristic destinations such as Ephesus, touristic attractions and live the athmosphere of city as much as you want.
Health Services and Customizing Treatment
This may be the most precious answer of the question of Why Fit&Fit. We know that where you can find the safe treatment which you need thanks to our experiences that we have at this sector, within this scope we bring together you and experienced medical team that are specific of the branches below:
Obesity Surgery
Oral and Dental Surgery
Hair Transplantation
Aesthetics Surgery
Eye Diseases
Cardiovasvular Surgery
Orthopedics and Traumatology
Oncological Surgery Practises
Robotic Surgery
It is possible to reach reliable health services with the most comfortable methods. Do not forget to contact with us if you would like to keep going with a team that would like to all of your questions.
Our Vision
Fit&Fit aims providing satisfaction with the presented health services, set a model at health sector by it’s infrastructure and assistance service; being one of the referred brands at World by serving globally.
Our Mission
Leading health tourism in countries we are serving, create value for our customers and making their lives easier by innovative thinking and aiming to provide advanced level of health services.