ENT Surgery


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ENT Surgery Prominent Ear Aesthetics (Otoplasty)

Prominent ear aesthetics is a surgery that is applied in cases where the person's ears are more perpendicular than normal or when viewed from the back. Prominent ear, which is not usually accompanied by a health problem, is a condition in which people resort to surgery due to their physical appearance. After the aesthetic, the ears of the people have a more pleasing appearance. Although this surgery is mostly applied for children, it can also be applied for adults. In the application process

Adenoid Tonsil Surgery (Adenotonsillectomy)

Adenoid tonsil surgery (adenotonsillectomy) is an operation that includes the removal of the adenoid and tonsils. The reason for the removal of the adenoids and tonsils is that they cause breathing and swallowing difficulties as a result of their overgrowth. This condition, especially in children, causes breathing and other respiratory problems. Rarely, such problems can be seen in adults. Because of this, some people may have to use antibiotics continuously due to infection. Surgery is also sui

Eardrum Surgery (Tympanoplasty)

Eardrum surgery (tympanoplasty) is an operation to solve the problems that a person experiences in the eardrum due to various reasons. The eardrum is located in the middle ear. In addition to the eardrum, the middle ear also has structures called hammer, anvil, and stirrup. These structures are the critical points of the ear. In particular, the canal called the Eustachian tube is located here. This channel, which provides communication between the ear and throat, also makes air inflow towards th

Endoscopic Sinus Surgery and Balloon Synoplasty

Endoscopic sinus surgery is a surgery developed to treat congestion and infections in the sinuses. In this surgery, the sinuses can be seen clearly by the doctor through small cameras passing through the nostrils. The point that needs to be treated through the canal is determined and the procedures are started. Balloon synoplasty is also a method used in endoscopic sinus surgery. It is applied in cases of chronic sinusitis.            &

Ventilation Tube Placement and Balloon Tuboplasty

Ventilation tube placement and balloon tuboplasty; They are surgical interventions applied in cases such as people feeling pain in their ears, tinnitus, hearing loss and muffled sounds. People may experience balance disorder and dizziness along with such symptoms. The aim of the intervention is to restore the function of the Eustachian tube. The symptoms are experienced by people as a result of obstruction of the Eustachian tube. This condition, which is encountered in both children and adults,

Septoplasty (Nose Bone - Cartilage Curvature)

Septoplasty (nasal bone - cartilage curvature) is a surgical application developed to remove the obstructions that occur in the nose that are accompanied by not being able to breathe. Many people may experience nasal congestion. People with nasal congestion have difficulty getting enough air into their lungs. One of the conditions that cause nasal congestion is nasal curvature. In addition, nasal concha, adenoid enlargement and anomalies in the nasal structure can also cause congestion. With the

Concha Radiofrequency and Concha Surgery

Concha radiofrequency and turbinate surgeries are surgical methods applied for the treatment after excessive growth in the turbinates, which is expressed as the concha. When the turbinates enlarge, people may experience sleep apnea, nasal drip, nasal congestion and breathing problems. For this reason, people look for solutions. The main function of the turbinates is to humidify and warm the air while breathing. This prevents cold air from reaching the lungs. In case of enlargement of the turbina