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What is Smile Design

Smile design is a field of dentistry that aims to improve the appearance and function of teeth and gums. Smile design aims to achieve a more aesthetic and healthy smile by changing the size, shape, color and smoothness of your teeth. Different techniques and materials are used to make your teeth look healthy and beautiful.

Information on what smile design is and its methods will be explained under the following headings:

  • What are the treatment steps of smile design?
  • For which patients is smile design applicable?
  • What are the smile design methods?

 What are the treatment steps of smile design?

In general, the following steps can be followed for smile design:

  • First of all, intra and extra oral photos of the patient is taken, treatment is pre-planned  and a digital impression is taken and sent to the lab.
  • A treatment model is prepared by the technician ( mock-up)
  • This model is transferred to patient’s mouth and evaluation is made by both the dentist and the patient. After this evaluation, preparation of the teeth is completed.
  • Tretament time may vary depending on the method used.
  • After completion of the treatment oral hygiene instructions are given.

For which patients is smile design applicable?

  • In particular, smile design procedures are applied in the following cases:
  • If  the size, shape of your teeth is undesirable or there are gaps or crowdness.
  • If the color of your teeth is not what you expected and you want a whiter appearance
  • If you have a gummy smile
  • If you want an attractive smile

What are Smile Design Methods?

While planning a smile design, the treatment method and the material should be determined according to the expectation, face structure of the patient and the situation of teeth.During the smile design process using more than one method can be more effective instead of performing just one method. Smile design methods vary from patient to patient. The most common ones are:

Dental bonding

When there is mild crowdness or small gaps between the teeth , esthetic composites are bonded to the surface of the teeth without any grinding. The treatment is completed in one session.

Teeth whitening

This method aims bleach the color of the teeth and give them a whiter appearance. The dark internal color of the teeth gets lighter in 1-2 sessions by using a special office whitening agent. Teeth whitening also precedes other smile design treatment methods.


When there is loss of teeth, implants are placed to gain the esthetics and function again. With single or multi unit restorations, patient’ smile is designed naturally.

Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneer is one of the most preferred method in smile design. Very thin porcelain veneers are bonded to the enamel with a special adhesive material after minimal or no preparation of the teeth. They are both esthetic and functional as they are very strong and resistant to bite forces.

Porcelain Crowns

When the teeth need moderate or more complex change in their form, color or alignment, smile design is performed by using porcelain crowns. Teeth are grinded and prepared, impressions are taken and crowns are completed according to the desired shape and color.